About Us
Greenfield Public School
The tiny sapling of Greenfield Public School was planted on 27th March, 2016 with 100 students on its delicate branch. The incessant efforts of the dedicated teachers under the guidance of Principal and management have raised the school to the heights. GREENFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL, Sector 7, a premier educational institution,affiliated to C. B. S. E. has a long history of excellence in the City of Kurukshetra, and is paving the way. It is run by Seth Banarasi Dass Charitable Society, Kurukshetra and has carved a niche in the field of education.It is a co-educational English medium school situated on Jhansa Road, Salpani Khurd, Kurukshetra

Our vision at Greenfield Public School is to impart
holistic and inclusive education to children to enable
them to be the architect of their own life. With parents
as our partners. we are committed to create
productive global citizens who are compassionate,
intellectually aware, able to deal effectively with
challenges of life. possess appropriate skills.
attitudes and core human values beside academic
excellence to the best level of individual students.
- To provide a stress free, rich. stimulating and caring environment in which each child feels safe. joyful. secureand confident.
- To nurture and strengthen creativity multiple
- intelligence, understanding, love and respect for self andothers.
- To think globally and act locally.
- To help the students to discover and express what is the best within them and to learn from success and setbacks.
- To instill notion of life long learning by inculcation of ethical principles and understanding social and environmental realities.
- To develop wisdom in students, that transforms academic achievement into active. responsible. global citizenship and sincere service to society.