


Children are divided into four houses- SATYA, SHRADHA, SHANTI, SHAKTI House. Each house conducts morning assembly in rotation and inter house competition like Poem-Recitation, Story Telling, Calligraphy, Fancy Dress, Dance, Debates, Drawing and Pairing. Rakhi & Diya Making are organized. The winner house is awarded with a trophy at the end of academic year.
Regular Picnics for children upto Class I and educational tours from Class II onwards are organized. Visits to Water parks, Religious places, educational places, Cinema halls, 3D movie show ,Bank are a part of our curriculum. Once a year an educational tour to historical places is also conducted.
Greenfield Public School continuous plans continuously and activities aiming to tap hidden talent of the children. The plethora of competitions result in well balanced integrated personalities and school prepares its students to face the challenges of tomorrow. First round of competition is taken classwise to enable each and every child to come on stage. Second round is inter class competition which is a comparatively difficult round and third round is inter house that churns the cream out.
Greenfield Public School does not want to miss any opportunity to shape the child in to an ideal personality. Therefore, various hobby classes are conducted in the evening and also during vacations.